

Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants Recommendations from Birth to Six Months - has now been officially released (see info  below  Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants - Recommendations from Birth to Six Months( The work on updating these national infant feeding guidelines began about 2.5 years ago, replacing the

Implement a written breastfeeding policy

Train staff with the knowledge & skills to implement the breastfeeding policy

Teach expecting parents about breastfeeding

Support mothers to exclusively breastfeed for six months

Support feeding without artificial teats or pacifiers

Provide a seamless transition between healthcare and community programs

Endorse the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes

Every baby deserves a fighting chance. By collecting, pasteurizing and distributing donated human milk, The Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank offers the extensive health benefits of donor human milk to the most vulnerable babies across the province. The Rogers Hixon Ontario Human Milk Bank is

Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants Recommendations from Birth to Six Months - has now been officially released (see info  below Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants - Recommendations from Birth to Six Months). The work on updating these national infant feeding guidelines began about 2.5 years ago, replacing the

The Provincial Authority for The Baby-Friendly Initiative

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